God’s Incomparable Word


at MARCH 22, 2013 by MARK KOLCHIN

“But the word of the Lord endureth for ever…” 1 Peter 1:25

A number of years ago while strolling through the seaside resort of Ocean Grove, NJ I stopped in for a quick dinner at a well-known eating establishment named for the many samplers that line its dining room walls.

It is an historic restaurant –a quaint landmark in a little piece of real estate on the Jersey Shore affectionately dubbed by the locals as ‘God’s square mile” for its many decades of Christian testimony. Waiting for my meal, I came across one of these beautifully-embroidered pieces whose bucolic scene was punctuated by the words of Psalm 23:1 – “The Lord is My Shepherd…” It was a superb piece of handiwork that immediately caught my attention. With the familiar verse of Scripture across the top, it truly spoke to my heart as only the word of God can. But what really caught my attention however was the date that it was completed – sometime around the 1850’s! That too, spoke to my heart! Here I was being blessed by the reading of the Word of God on an item that had been produced over 150 years before. Truly the Word of the Lord endures forever.

Despite the fact that God says that His Word will never pass away (Matt. 24:35), it is still mocked and ridiculed by every succeeding generation that disregards its clear message of help and hope. It transcends time and culture and has been an unquestionable source of blessing to countless multitudes through the ages. But because many have not received its message by faith (Heb. 4:2) and embraced it as the living and powerful Word of God able to expose the heart (Heb. 4:12) and fix it (Ps. 57:7), many fail to benefit from the clear instruction it gives of a life without regret and a hope beyond the grave. Why is God’s Word incomparable and why does it endure forever? For starters, it changes lives. Psalm 19 declares that both the work of God (vv. 1-6) and the Word of God (vv. 7-14) attest to a loving Creator intent on communicating to mankind, the crown of His creation His desire and power to transform lives. Six different descriptions are applied to the Word of God with their corresponding effects. The Word is able to convert the soul, make wise the simple, rejoice the heart, enlighten the eyes, warn God’s servants and bring great reward, vv. 7-11. Just look at the pages of Scripture and see how that has proven true. There was King Manasseh (2 Chron. 33), Mary Magdalene, Zacchaeus, the man of Gadara, the women at the well, Saul of Tarsus and many others including men and women today whose lives in essence were good for nothing until they were powerfully transformed by the life-liberating message of the Word. James 1:18 reminds us that we are begotten by the Word. No other “word” could ever do this – the reason why God’s Word endures forever. Yes, the Word of God dramatically changes lives and is sufficient for every spiritual need. This being the case, how important it is to preach God’s Word, in season and out. It is the only thing that can truly change people’s lives.

The word of God endures forever also because it cleanses lives. The Lord said to His disciples in the upper room “Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you”, John 15:3. The Word of God cleanses lives when a person comes to Christ. Paul told the Corinthians that it was by the Word that they had been “washed” from their licentious lives, 2 Cor. 6:11. To Titus he said that all Christians are washed by the regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, Titus 3:5. The Word cleanses lives and provides the joy of salvation when we come to Him and also when we come back to Him. When we confess our sin as believers, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, 1 John 1:19. King David knew this by personal experience and so did the prodigal son, Ps. 51: 7, 12; Luke 15:24. Surely we can sing with conviction: “Clean every whit thou saidst it Lord should one suspicion lurk, thine surely is a faithful word and thine a finished work”. There is no question about: the Word of God cleanses lives upon salvation and afterwards. How important then to read God’s Word so that we can find out what is pleasing to Him and adjust our lives accordingly.

The Word of God endures forever also because it directs our lives. When David was perplexed when God had halted his steps while attempting to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, (2 Sam. 6), it was the Word of God that provided the necessary direction to ascertain the proper order in which to proceed. The Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path in this dark world, Psalm 119:105. Consequently, we should not be alarmed with the latest news headlines. Why so? The reason is because we know the truth and go by another Authority who knows the beginning from the end who sanctifies us by His truth because His Word is truth, John 17:17. He promises when we are perplexed that we will hear a word behind us saying: “this is the way, walk ye in it”, Isa. 30:21. He has not left us orphans and as we delve into God’s Word and muse over its pages in dependence upon the Holy Spirit it will give us sufficient direction for the decisions that we need to make in life. He will guide us through the skillfulness of His hands and will do so unto death, Ps. 78:72; 48:14. Through His Word, He will provide doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. The Word of the Lord is incomparable and endures forever because it guides our lives. How important it is then to obey God’s Word so that we go in the right direction.

The Word of God endures forever because it strengthens our lives also. It brings us joy as we read its promises. It strengthens us as we feed on it as Jeremiah did who said “Thy words were found and I did eat them and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart”, Jer. 15:16. As we read God’s precious Word with the right heart, we will find that it is as God has said “sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb”. Of such “honey” can never have enough. Like Jonathan, it will provide the strength we need and brighten our countenance when we are weary of the journey, 1 Sam. 14:27. When Israel was weary of their journey and complaining, it was God who acted in grace to provide manna for them from heaven which tasted like wafers made with honey, Ex. 16:31. It stopped their complaining and satisfied their longing. No wonder that God recorded the heroics of Shammah, one of David’s mighty men (2 Sam. 23:11-12) who stood defended the ground full of barley, the provision of God’s people. His standing in the midst of that plot is a fitting picture of the importance of defending the entire Word of God and earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints, Jude 3. Shammah knew how important it was. To him, it is worth fighting for even when he was all alone, because he knew it was what gave strength to God’s people. This is why the Word of God is incomparable and why it endures forever –it strengthens our lives and satisfies the soul. How important then to feed on God’s Word.

Despite the fact that the word of God does all these things, by and large the world pushes it aside for “junk food”. But truth be told, even the world has to admit as those in Elisha’s day did that the “situation of the city is pleasant as my lord seeth, but the water is bad and the ground barren”, 2 Kings 2:19. The world indeed may look impressive (especially from a distance!) but what it contains is harmful to the soul and does not bring forth fruit to God. The “water” of this world is indeed bad, but the water of life that God provides through His Word given freely, is a well of water spring up into everlasting life, John 4:14 and a river of life, giving life to everything it touches, Ezek. 47:9.

Yes, the Word of God is incomparable and will endure forever. It is verified by its own testimony and by the testimony of the redeemed. Occasionally, even news headlines and world events substantiate this claim. One such event is very notable though it is ignored by the media. Amid the wreckage of flight #93 on Sept. 11, 2001 was two discernible items: one was a part of the tire from plane’s landing gear. The other was the personal Bible of one its occupants, a very committed evangelical Christian. It was fully intact, complete with prayer list inside. It is a powerful statement to believers and unbelievers alike and something the world will come to know in time whether they like it or not. The Word of the Lord shall endure forever!